Thymeleaf (2) 썸네일형 리스트형 [ThymeLeaf] 특정 속성에 값 설정하기 흠 내가 찾는것과는 조금 괴리가 있으나 일단 붙여넣음 There are quite a lot of attributes like these, each of them targeting a specific HTML5 attribute: th:abbr th:accept th:accept-charset th:accesskey th:action th:align th:alt th:archive th:audio th:autocomplete th:axis th:background th:bgcolor th:border th:cellpadding th:cellspacing th:challenge th:charset th:cite th:class th:classid th:codebase th:codetype th:cols t.. [ThymeLeaf] 속성의 우선순위(Attribute Precedence) 순서 내용 속성 1 Fragment inclusion th:include th:replace 2 Fragment iteration th:each 3 Conditional evaluation th:if th:unless th:switch th:case 4 Local variable definition th:object th:with 5 General attribute modification th:attr th:attrprepend th:attrappend 6 Specific attribute modification th:value th:href th:src ... 7 Text(tag body modification) th:text th:utext 8 Fragment specification th:fragm.. 이전 1 다음